 | BRAND IT YOUR WAY The template design format has dedicated space for presenting banners, feature content and prize information. Colour schemes can be tuned to create a strongly branded game. |
 | CONTROL WHO CAN PLAY Users will need to register with the site to begin playing. This includes a confirmation email that is sent to the user, they must click an activation link to confirm their registration before their login details will be usable. |
 | SET UP DIVISIONS OR LEAGUES TO PLAY IN Typically these are based on offices, branches or regions. Divisions are a fun way for groups to engage with each other, to form connections and a bit of friendly rivalry. |
 | CHOOSING YOUR PICKS IS QUICK AND EASY Selecting the winning teams for each round is done in a simple manor, by entering each score next to the team match-ups. We've also included an 'auto picker' which can auto-select your scores with a single click. |
 | KEEP EVERYONE INFORMED Send out invitations, reminders and game news to all competitors using our simple email editor. Import email addresses via text file, Xcel or CSV. |
 | BONUS POINTS QUESTION A bonus question attached with each Round is managed by you, and is typically used as product training or to bring attention to business strategies. If competitors get them right they score extra points! |
 | FIND FRIENDS WHO ARE ALSO PLAYING Competitors can search for others who are playing, keep them in a friends list, spy on them, or send them a friendly chat message. |
 | CHAT WITH FRIENDS AND COLLEAGUES There are two chat zones available, 'Division Chat' and 'World Chat', both are great places to express ideas and opinions. |
 | SPY MODE Keeping an eye on the competition is another way to have fun, competitors can view other people's picks after each round has finished, getting an insight into their strategies and techniques. |
 | WIN WEEKLY PRIZES To keep the game interesting it's important to have good prizes up for grabs, we recommend weekly winners and spot prizes, which allows for the highly competitive and the casual user. A grand prize for the overall winner is also a must. All winners will be posted on the Winners page throughout the competition. |
 | WORLD RANKINGS As well as competing within a local Division users can also measure themselves against all participants in the game, we call this their World Ranking. |
 | MANAGE YOUR OWN PROFILE Competitors can upload a picture of themselves or a funny image of their choice, they can also show their allegiance by selecting the rugby team that they support, these will show on their Division, Chat and World ranking listings. |